четверг, 10 июля 2008 г.

Недокументированные возможности IceWM

Если вы используете IceWM уже довольно давно, то наверняка не раз замечали, что в документации перечислены не все опции, с помощью которых его можно настроить. Я с этим сталкивался не раз, но до недавнего времени мне хватало всех тех опций, которые были мне известны.

Когда же я захотел, чтобы при запуске определенное приложение разворачивалось на весь экран (Fullscreen), то обнаружил, что в документации к ~/.icewm/winoptions нет опции, позволяющей сделать это.

Не поверив, что разработчики не реализовали подобную возможность, я полез в интернет. Не найдя в интернете решения моей проблемы, я решил посмотреть исходники IceWM. Как я и предполагал, разработчики реализовали нужную мне опцию ~/.icewm/winoptions, но не отразили это в документации. Там же я нашел еще несколько опций, о которых в ней не упоминалось. Так как имена опций и их описание находились в коде недалеко друг от друга, то, составив несколько action'ов в Vim'е, я получил из исходных текстов список с парами "имя опции - описание", которым и решил с вами поделиться - вдруг кто-нибудь найдет в нем опцию, которой ему очень не хватало. Описание в коде присутствовало не для всех опций, поэтому и в моем списке они не все документированы, но по их именам в большинстве случаев совсем не сложно догадаться, что они означают.

Файл ~/.icewm/preferences:

Булевы опции:

ClickToFocus - Focus windows by clicking.
FocusOnAppRaise - Focus windows when application requests to raise.
RequestFocusOnAppRaise - Request focus (flashing in taskbar) when application requests raise.
RaiseOnFocus - Raise windows when focused.
FocusOnClickClient - Focus window when client area clicked.
RaiseOnClickClient - Raise window when client area clicked.
RaiseOnClickTitleBar - Raise window when title bar is clicked.
RaiseOnClickButton - Raise window when frame button is clicked.
RaiseOnClickFrame - Raise window when frame border is clicked.
LowerOnClickWhenRaised - Lower the active window when clicked again.
PassFirstClickToClient - Pass focusing click on client area to client.
FocusChangesWorkspace - Change to the workspace of newly focused windows.
FocusOnMap - Focus normal window when initially mapped.
FocusOnMapTransient - Focus dialog window when initially mapped.
FocusOnMapTransientActive - Focus dialog window when initially mapped only if parent frame focused.
MapInactiveOnTop - Put new windows on top even if not focusing them.
PointerColormap - Colormap focus follows pointer.
DontRotateMenuPointer - Don't rotate the cursor for popup menus.
LimitSize - Limit size of windows to screen.
LimitPosition - Limit position of windows to screen.
LimitByDockLayer - Let the Dock layer limit the workspace (incompatible with GNOME Panel).
ConsiderHBorder - Consider border frames when maximizing horizontally.
ConsiderVBorder - Consider border frames when maximizing vertically.
CenterMaximizedWindows - Center maximized windows which can't fit the screen (like terminals).
SizeMaximized - Maximized windows can be resized.
ShowMoveSizeStatus - Show position status window during move/resize.
ShowWorkspaceStatus - Show name of current workspace while switching.
MinimizeToDesktop - Display mini-icons on desktop for minimized windows.
MiniIconsPlaceHorizontal - Place the mini-icons horizontal instead of vertical.
MiniIconsRightToLeft - Place new mini-icons from right to left.
MiniIconsBottomToTop - Place new mini-icons from bottom to top.
StrongPointerFocus - Always maintain focus under mouse window (makes some keyboard support non-functional or unreliable).
OpaqueMove - Opaque window move.
OpaqueResize - Opaque window resize.
ManualPlacement - Windows initially placed manually by user.
SmartPlacement - Smart window placement (minimal overlap).
CenterTransientsOnOwner - Center dialogs on owner window.
MenuMouseTracking - Menus track mouse even with no mouse buttons held.
AutoRaise - Auto raise windows after delay.
DelayPointerFocus - Delay pointer focusing when mouse moves.
Win95Keys - Support win95 keyboard keys (Penguin/Meta/Win_L,R shows menu).
ModSuperIsCtrlAlt - Treat Super/Win modifier as Ctrl+Alt.
UseMouseWheel - Support mouse wheel.
ShowPopupsAbovePointer - Show popup menus above mouse pointer.
ReplayMenuCancelClick - Send the clicks outside menus to target window.
QuickSwitch - Alt+Tab window switching.
QuickSwitchToMinimized - Alt+Tab to minimized windows.
QuickSwitchToHidden - Alt+Tab to hidden windows.
QuickSwitchToAllWorkspaces - Alt+Tab to windows on other workspaces.
QuickSwitchGroupWorkspaces - Alt+Tab: group windows on current workspace.
QuickSwitchAllIcons - Show all reachable icons when quick switching.
QuickSwitchTextFirst - Show the window title above (all reachable) icons.
QuickSwitchSmallWindow - Attempt to create a small QuickSwitch window (1/3 instead of 3/5 of screen width).
QuickSwitchMaxWidth - Go trough all window titles and choose width of the longest one.
QuickSwitchVertical - Place the icons and titles vertical instead of horizontal.
QuickSwitchHugeIcon - Show the huge (48x48) of the window icon for the active window.
QuickSwitchFillSelection - Fill the rectangle highlighting the current icon.
GrabRootWindow - Manage root window (EXPERIMENTAL - normally enabled!).
SnapMove - Snap to nearest screen edge/window when moving windows.
EdgeSwitch - Workspace switches by moving mouse to left/right screen edge.
HorizontalEdgeSwitch - Workspace switches by moving mouse to left/right screen edge.
VerticalEdgeSwitch - Workspace switches by moving mouse to top/bottom screen edge.
ContinuousEdgeSwitch - Workspace switches continuously when moving mouse to screen edge.
AutoReloadMenus - Reload menu files automatically.
ShowTaskBar - Show task bar.
TaskBarAtTop - Task bar at top of the screen.
TaskBarKeepBelow - Keep the task bar below regular windows.
TaskBarAutoHide - Auto hide task bar after delay.
TaskBarShowClock - Show clock on task bar.
TaskBarShowAPMStatus - Show APM/ACPI/Battery/Power status monitor on task bar.
TaskBarShowAPMTime - Show APM status on task bar in time-format.
TaskBarShowMailboxStatus - Show mailbox status on task bar.
TaskBarMailboxStatusBeepOnNewMail - Beep when new mail arrives.
TaskBarMailboxStatusCountMessages - Count messages in mailbox.
TaskBarShowWorkspaces - Show workspace switching buttons on task bar.
TaskBarShowWindows - Show windows on the taskbar.
TaskBarShowShowDesktopButton - Show 'show desktop' button on taskbar.
ShowEllipsis - Show Ellipsis in taskbar items.
TaskBarShowTray - Show windows in the tray.
TrayShowAllWindows - Show windows from all workspaces on tray.
TaskBarShowTransientWindows - Show transient (dialogs, ...) windows on task bar.
TaskBarShowAllWindows - Show windows from all workspaces on task bar.
TaskBarShowWindowIcons - Show icons of windows on the task bar.
TaskBarShowStartMenu - Show 'Start' menu on task bar.
TaskBarShowWindowListMenu - Show 'window list' menu on task bar.
TaskBarShowCPUStatus - Show CPU status on task bar (Linux & Solaris).
TaskBarShowNetStatus - Show network status on task bar (Linux only).
TaskBarShowCollapseButton - Show a button to collapse the taskbar.
TaskBarDoubleHeight - Use double-height task bar.
TaskBarWorkspacesLeft - Place workspace pager on left, not right.
TaskBarLaunchOnSingleClick - Execute taskbar applet commands (like MailCommand, ClockCommand, ...) on single click.
ClientWindowMouseActions - Allow mouse actions on client windows (buggy with some programs).
ShowProgramsMenu - Show programs submenu.
ShowSettingsMenu - Show settings submenu.
ShowFocusModeMenu - Show focus mode submenu.
ShowThemesMenu - Show themes submenu.
ShowLogoutMenu - Show logout submenu.
ShowHelp - Show the help menu item.
ShowLogoutSubMenu - Show logout submenu.
ShowAbout - Show the about menu item.
ShowRun - Show the run menu item.
ShowWindowList - Show the window menu item.
AllowFullscreen - Allow to switch a window to fullscreen.
DisableImlibCaches - Disable Imlib's image/pixmap caches.
EnableAddressBar - Enable address bar functionality in taskbar.
ShowAddressBar - Show address bar in task bar.
MultiByte - Overrides automatic multiple byte detection.
ConfirmLogout - Confirm logout.
ShapesProtectClientWindow - Don't cut client windows by shapes set trough frame corner pixmap.
DoubleBuffer - Use double buffering when redrawing the display.

Числовые опции (в скобках указан диапазон значений):

ClickMotionDistance (0, 32) - Pointer motion distance before click gets interpreted as drag.
ClickMotionDelay (0, 2000) - Delay before click gets interpreted as drag.
MultiClickTime (0, 5000) - Multiple click time.
MenuActivateDelay (0, 5000) - Delay before activating menu items.
SubmenuMenuActivateDelay (0, 5000) - Delay before activating menu submenus.
MenuMaximalWidth (0, 16384) - Maximal width of popup menus, 2/3 of the screen's width if set to zero.
ToolTipDelay (0, 5000) - Delay before tooltip window is displayed.
ToolTipTime (0, 60000) - Time before tooltip window is hidden (0 means never.
AutoHideDelay (0, 5000) - Delay before task bar is hidden.
AutoShowDelay (0, 5000) - Delay before task bar is shown.
AutoRaiseDelay (0, 5000) - Delay before windows are auto raised.
EdgeResistance (0, 10000) - Resistance in pixels when trying to move windows off the screen (10000 = infinite).
PointerFocusDelay (0, 1000) - Delay for pointer focus switching.
SnapDistance (0, 64) - Distance in pixels before windows snap together.
EdgeSwitchDelay (0, 5000) - Screen edge workspace switching delay.
ScrollBarStartDelay (0, 5000) - Inital scroll bar autoscroll delay.
ScrollBarDelay (0, 5000) - Scroll bar autoscroll delay.
AutoScrollStartDelay (0, 5000) - Auto scroll start delay.
AutoScrollDelay (0, 5000) - Auto scroll delay.
WorkspaceStatusTime (0, 2500) - Time before workspace status window is hidden.
UseRootButtons (0, 255) - Bitmask of root window button click to use in window manager.
ButtonRaiseMask (0, 255) - Bitmask of buttons that raise the window when pressed.
DesktopWinMenuButton (0, 20) - Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list menu.
DesktopWinListButton (0, 20) - Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list.
DesktopMenuButton (0, 20) - Desktop mouse-button click to show the root menu.
TitleBarMaximizeButton (0, 5) - TitleBar mouse-button double click to maximize the window.
TitleBarRollupButton (0, 5) - TitleBar mouse-button double click to rollup the window.
MsgBoxDefaultAction (0, 1) - Preselect to Cancel (0) or the OK (1) button in message boxes.
MailCheckDelay (0, 3600*24) - Delay between new-mail checks. (seconds).
TaskBarCPUSamples (2, 1000) - Width of CPU Monitor.
TaskBarCPUDelay (10, 60*60*1000) - Delay between CPU Monitor samples in ms.
TaskBarNetSamples (2, 1000) - Width of Net Monitor.
TaskBarNetDelay (10, 60*60*1000) - Delay between Net Monitor samples in ms.
TaskbarButtonWidthDivisor (1, 25) - default number of tasks in taskbar.
XineramaPrimaryScreen (0, 63) - Primary screen for xinerama (taskbar, ...).
FocusRequestFlashTime (0, 3600*24) - Number of seconds the taskbar app will blink when requesting focus.
NestedThemeMenuMinNumber (0, 1234) - Minimal number of themes after which the Themes menu becomes nested (0=disabled).
BatteryPollingPeriod (2, 3600) - Delay between power status updates (seconds).

Строковые опции:

IconPath - Icon search path (colon separated).
MailBoxPath - Mailbox path (use $MAIL instead).
MailCommand - Command to run on mailbox.
MailClassHint - WM_CLASS to allow runonce for MailCommand.
NewMailCommand - Command to run when new mail arrives.
LockCommand - Command to lock display/screensaver.
ClockCommand - Command to run on clock.
ClockClassHint - WM_CLASS to allow runonce for ClockCommand.
RunCommand - Command to select and run a program.
TerminalCommand - Terminal emulator must accept -e option..
LogoutCommand - Command to start logout.
LogoutCancelCommand - Command to cancel logout.
ShutdownCommand - Command to shutdown the system.
RebootCommand - Command to reboot the system.
CPUStatusCommand - Command to run on CPU status.
CPUStatusClassHint - WM_CLASS to allow runonce for CPUStatusCommand.
NetStatusCommand - Command to run on Net status.
NetStatusClassHint - WM_CLASS to allow runonce for NetStatusCommand.
AddressBarCommand - Command to run for address bar entries.
NetworkStatusDevice - Network device to show status for.
TimeFormat - Clock Time format (strftime format string).
TimeFormatAlt - Alternate Clock Time format (e.g. for blinking effects).
DateFormat - Clock Date format for tooltip (strftime format string).
AcpiIgnoreBatteries - List of battery names (directories) in /proc/acpi/battery to ignore. Useful when more slots are built-in, but only one battery is used.
WinMenuItems - Items supported in menu window (rmsnxfhualytickw).
WorkspaceNames - List of workspace names, for example WorkspaceNames="1","2","3","4".

Привязки клавиш:

MouseWinMove - Mouse binding for window move.
MouseWinSize - Mouse binding for window resize.
MouseWinRaise - Mouse binding to raise window.

Файл ~/.icewm/winoptions:

Строковые опции:

icon - The name of the icon.
geometry - Default geometry for window. This geometry should be specified in the X11-syntax, formal notation: [=][{xX}][{+-}{+-}].

Числовые опции:

workspace - Default workspace for window (number, counting from 0).

Опции, имеющие фиксированный набор значений:

Desktop - Desktop window. There should be only one window in this layer.
Below - Below default layer.
Normal - Default layer for the windows.
OnTop - Above the default.
Dock - Layer for windows docked to the edge of the screen.
AboveDock - Layer for the windows above the dock.
Menu - Layer for the windows above the dock.

Ignore - Don't add an icon to the tray pane.
Minimized - Add an icon the the tray. Remove the task pane button when minimized.
Exclusive - Add an icon the the tray. Never create a task pane button.

Булевы опции:

allWorkspaces - If set to 1, window will be visible on all workspaces.
ignoreWinList - If set to 1, window will not appear in the window list.
ignoreTaskBar - If set to 1, window will not appear on the task bar.
ignoreQuickSwitch - If set to 1, window will not be accessible using QuickSwitch feature (Alt+Tab).
fullKeys - If set to 1, the window manager leave more keys (Alt+F?) to the application.
fMove - If set to 0, window will not be movable.
fResize - If set to 0, window will not be resizable.
fClose - If set to 0, window will not be closable.
fMinimize - If set to 0, window will not be minimizable.
fMaximize - If set to 0, window will not be maximizable.
fHide - If set to 0, window will not be hidable.
fRollup - If set to 0, window will not be shadable.
dTitleBar - If set to 0, window will not have a title bar.
dSysMenu - If set to 0, window will not have a system menu.
dBorder - If set to 0, window will not have a border.
dResize - If set to 0, window will not have a resize border.
dClose - If set to 0, window will not have a close button.
dMinimize - If set to 0, window will not have a minimize button.
dMaximize - If set to 0, window will not have a maximize button.
noFocusOnAppRaise - if set to 1, window will not automatically get focus as application raises it.
ignoreNoFocusHint - if set to 1, icewm will focus even if the window does not handle input.
doNotCover - if set to 1, this window will limit the workspace available for regular applications. window has to be sticky at the moment to make it work
forcedClose - if set to 1 and the application had not registered WM_DELETE_WINDOW, a close confirmation dialog won't be offered upon closing the window.

8 комментариев:

Анонимный комментирует...

Круто. Детектив, ага. :)

virens комментирует...

Вот это класс!

А я-то думаю, откуда в графических конфигураторах IceWM столько разных неизвестных мне опций? :-) Вон оно как!

Если можно, вставьте ссылки в пост, откуда такая информация.

Dmitry Konishchev комментирует...

virens, извините, не понял, ссылки на что? Я же написал, что все эти опции получил из исходных текстов. Или вы имеете в виду имена файлов из исходных текстов, в которых я все это нашел?

Pashugan комментирует...

Спасибо, как раз только разбираюсь с IceWM, очень пригодилось.

Интересно, а разделение панелей в IceWM в принципе не предусмотрено? Довольно удобно и привычно было бы иметь taskbar внизу, а рабочие столы, часы, трей и прочее вверху. TaskBarAtTop переносит всё вместе.

Dmitry Konishchev комментирует...

Pashugan, судя по всему, не предусмотрено.

Анонимный комментирует...

Пользуюсь IceWM уже два-три месяца, но на эту страничку наткнулся впервые. Огромное спасибо, наконец-то донастрою поведение окон!

Анонимный комментирует...

Спасибо, полезная инфа!

Vyacheslav Trotsak комментирует...

Молодец Диман!
Пытливый ум уважаю.